Helichrysum in Corsica

Helichrysum in Corsica

We love Helichrysum italicum and use it in many of our products so we travelled to Corsica to investigate whether we could use an organic Corsican Helichrysum italicum grown on a small organic farm high up in the mountains.  

Corsica is the most lush of the Mediterranean islands blanketed in unspoiled natural forest and maquis. The deep green meadows and forests, the towering snow-capped peaks, and the deep blue sea and sky ensure a unique habitat for many important plant species.

Corsican's soil is more acidic than mainland Europe which does somewhat limit the variety of plants, but it also provides interesting and unique oil profiles for the oil-bearing plants.  Native plants include Corsican Pine, Pinguicula corsica, Crocus corsicus, Leucojum longifolium, and Corsican Hellebore, plus an amazing range of beautiful orchids. 

Herman Boerhaave, the Dutch botanist and physician, first wrote about the healing qualities ("medicinal virtues") of Helichrysum in 1727 in his seminal publications, Historia alter plantarum quae in Horto Academico Lugduno-Batavo aluntar and Historia Plantarum quae in Horto Academico Lugduno-Batavo crescent cum earum characteribus et medicinalibus virtutibus. Helichrysum has been used as an anti-inflammatory and skin soothing agent for centuries.  Only now we are beginning to understand the mechanism of action as data from numerous studies underline the importance of phytochemicals such as in Helichrysum italicum in inhibiting the inflammatory cascade.  Recent research has also demonstrated that Helichrysum helps prevent photoageing.